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About Crazy Good Turns

Crazy Good Turns is a platform dedicated to generosity and gratitude. 

We believe that in life you get what you celebrate.

Therefore, we celebrate and recognize people who do amazing things for others.

Thanks to listeners and readers like you, the idea is growing. Crazy Good Turns now ranks among the top 5% of all podcasts by new downloads.

A "good turn" is another way of saying a "good deed." In fact, "do a good turn daily" is a slogan known to Boy Scouts everywhere. It just means doing something nice for somebody else.

What Makes a Good Turn 'Crazy'?

On our podcast, we've had guests who've engaged in truly extraordinary acts of generosity. Some put their lives at risk or traveled to difficult parts of the world to address troubling needs.

We've also had guests whose acts of kindness are smaller in scope. Many don't involve personal risk, or reach farther than their community or family. A great quote is:

"A small act is worth a million thoughts."

That's the core of it. Crazy Good Turns is interested in any act of kindness. We celebrate anyone who takes the thought of helping someone else and turns it into action.

Meet the Team


Host and Co-Founder

Frank is an American businessman and lawyer, who served as CEO of The Home Depot from 2007 to 2014. During that time, while engineering a turnaround of the company, he observed "you get what you celebrate." He helped the company return to it's roots of helping customers through an intentional pattern of recognizing great service.

A fun fact about me is: I love Nordic TV shows. Some of my favorites are Borgen; Lilyhammer; Rita; Love and Anarchy; and Occupied.

Someone who did a Crazy Good Turn for me: The list is long, but the podcast would not exist without the crazy good turn that the founders of Home Depot did for me, starting with Ken Langone who took the risk of making me CEO of The Home Depot and then Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank who, along with Ken, took the time to mentor me and explain the genius of the company they founded.



Brian is a writer, editor and marketing strategy consultant who's worked with brands including Gatorade, Nike, Asics, Death Wish Coffee, and Stellantis (formerly Fiat Chrysler Automobiles).

A fun fact about me is: I bleed for Crazy Good Turns — literally. Ever since hearing Janice Martinez's story in "The Gift," I've been a regular blood donor.

Someone who did a Crazy Good Turn for me: My Aunt Linda, who taught me how to write. She was paid nothing and spent hours working for my betterment. Her guidance led me down the career path that got me to where I am today.


Associate Producer

Megan received a degree in print journalism and worked in news writing, marketing, and nonprofit communications before joining the Crazy Good Turns team.

A fun fact about me is: I play the flute.

Someone who did a Crazy Good Turn for me: I was an uncertain business major when I sat next to the university's newspaper editor in symphonic band class. She recognized my name from some writing I'd submitted to the school's annual literary journal, and asked me to join the newspaper staff. When I walked into the newspaper's offices, I knew that's where I belonged. Within a year, I'd changed my major to journalism and pursued an entirely different career path. Thanks, Rebekah!



Leslie is a native Texan and graduate of Texas Tech University who's lived in Georgia for most of her adult life. Her work background is in real estate, transportation and the non-profit sector.

A fun fact about me is: I am the person who will stop or turn my car around to save critters who end up in the middle of the road.

Someone who did a Crazy Good Turn for me: A woman I don't know gave my husband and I a beautiful hand-painted plate as a wedding gift. She was acquainted with my aunt, and because she thought so highly of her, she gifted us the plate. Whenever I look at that plate, I'm reminded of the best qualities in people: Selflessness, kindness, gratitude, and generosity.

More CGT Team Members


Audio Engineer

We Want To Hear From You

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All other inquiries can be emailed to us.

You do us a good turn every time you listen to an episode or read a post. Thank you!

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