Nominate a person or organization for a $10,000 award! Select causes will have a chance to appear in an episode.
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Image for $50,000 Grant Winner Announced!

Riley Joy Gantt

$50,000 Grant Winner Announced!

In the first episode of Crazy Good Turns Season 3, we award a $50,000 grant to an organization that’s making a difference. We also celebrate Crazy Good Kids, today’s young people who are giving back.

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Welcome to Season 3 of Crazy Good Turns! We're excited to have you back — and especially pumped about this episode. Two main reasons why:

  1. We announce the winner of our $50,000 grant from Season 2. Don't worry, we won't keep you in suspense for long. In fact, click "play" and you'll hear which of last season's guests won the award right away.
  2. Right after the announcement, you'll meet a young person who's done some pretty incredible stuff for others, incredibly early in her life. It's part of our discussion about Crazy Good Kids, today's young people and how they're giving back.

Know a Kid Who's Doing Something Great for Somebody Else? If so, we'd love to hear about them. We're celebrating Crazy Good Kids, and think that every good turn deserves a shout-out. There's no deed too great or too small. It could be as simple as setting up a lemonade stand and donating the proceeds to charity. Here's how you can celebrate kids who are giving back:

We'll be featuring some of the stories we receive in upcoming episodes and in our newsletters. Don't let your kid's good work go unnoticed!

Speaking of our newsletter…Ever thought about signing up for it? Here are three reasons why you should:

  1. You'll stay current on all the good news we'll be spreading this season.
  2. You'll receive doses of inspiration that will give your week a lift. And…
  3. You'll become eligible for some of the gifts, goodies and other surprises we plan on putting out there this season.

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