Apr 16 | 2019
A Book Recommendation (Plus: Upcoming Giveaway!)
Next month’s episode of Crazy Good Turns features an interview with Jordan Kassalow. He’s the Founder of VisionSpring, one of the biggest social impact businesses in the world.
Jordan’s story is an amazing one, and his pioneering work has enabled millions of people around the world to live a fuller and more productive life through the gift of sight.
But this note is not about the upcoming podcast. It is about the book Jordan has written.
A Profound Work About Making a Difference
When we’d originally him for the show, we had no idea that he had written a book or that it would be published roughly at the same time as the episode.
The book, which goes on sale at the end of this month, is titled Dare to Matter: Your Path to Making a Difference Now.
I received an early copy, read it and then re-read it. And I’m so impressed by this that I have decided to give away fifty copies to go along with our upcoming episode. Stay tuned for more details on that. In the meantime, I thought I’d offer a little hint as to what’s inside this great book.
I took many notes while reading. Jordan offers many profound insights about the path to making a difference — a path that I think would interest anyone tuned in to Crazy Good Turns.
A Great Question Worth Considering
For example, I’ll share just one excerpt from Dare to Matter.
It’s not at the core of the book. In fact, it’s almost a throwaway line in a longer passage. But one of the things I “collect” in life is great questions. And while discussing how to live a life that matters, Jordan poses a wonderful question — a question that can be a tool for thinking about our own lives:
What, and who, makes you laugh out loud and smile without effort, even when you don’t think you have a laugh or smile inside you?
The more episodes we do, the more people’s stories we get to hear, the more I reflect on all the different meanings embedded in the ‘crazy’ of Crazy Good Turns. Jordan’s question snapped into focus for me at how often I smile or laugh — sometimes in wonder, sometimes in joy — at the things people do to help others.
I hope you’ll read Jordan’s book, which you can pre-order here. I hope it brings you a laugh or a smile on your own path to making a difference.