Sep 11 | 2018 | Season 3/Episode 19
Frank Blake
What’s Next for Crazy Good Turns?
Exciting changes ahead! Our founder, former Home Depot CEO Frank Blake, takes over the show, and talks about what you can expect from now on.
This week marks a new chapter for Crazy Good Turns.
Show co-founder Frank Blake steps behind the microphone, takes over hosting duties, and explains:
In this episode, Blake explains:
- The Untold Story Behind Crazy Good Turns — The story traces back to the moment Blake was asked to become CEO of The Home Depot. "I was unprepared to be the CEO of Home Depot — actually, I was unprepared to become the CEO of any company," Blake says. But then he discovered an idea on a DVD, and it changed everything for the better.
- What's Next For Crazy Good Turns — including who and what you can expect to hear about in the exciting weeks ahead.
- Why We're Heading to the Intersection of Technology and Generosity — Spoiler alert: We're going to be focusing a lot on people who are doing great things for the greater good through the help of technology. It's not the only type of story we're going to tell, but it's a big one. Frank offers some insight into why.
- How We're Going to Digitally Eavesdrop on Amazingly Interesting People - Frank shares how the Tim Ferriss podcast shaped his thinking around our show and others.
- How You Can Get in Touch - Frank used to spend part of every day at Home Depot responding to messages from customers directly — and he makes the same offer to you. He'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas about the show, reads every message he receives — and will respond to as many as possible. You can reach him at frank@crazygoodturns.org.